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Wazifa To Protect From Enemy
Wazifa To Protect From Enemy or to save from enemy can be use to keep enemy away. Get wazifa to make enemy sick from our islamic expert to protect from enemy.
Everyone in the world has enemies in one form or the other. Some of them are visible to you while some not. Even you live a simple life without disturbing others, and someone can also be jealous of your simplicity. What to do in such cases? As these are not your faults. For this, there is a wazifa to protect from enemy.
Wazifa To Protect From Enemy
By using such types of wazifas can protect you and your family from the curse of enemies. While performing dua to protect yourself from your enemy, Allah miyan will help you.
He will make a clear way to get away from the harm of these enemies. If you are scared that the enemy is quite powerful and you cannot win him directly, the dua helps.
wazifa to protect from the enemy is very useful and also powerful. It posses the power to change the thinking of the enemy so as not to harm you. If your enemies are jealous of the happiness of your home or your success in office, you can perform this dua.
For this, you have to recite the Surah Al Qasas daily for 111 times by thinking of your enemy. The dua is to be performed with full dedication and purity to achieve success. This will ensure the safety of you and your families from such enemies.
Wazifa To Save From Enemy
Wazifa To Save From Enemy, If you are witnessing lots of enemies both in offices and your locality, then there is a perfect way to teach them a lesson. There is also a wazifa to save from the enemy.
If you are an intelligent boy in your class, and many people are jealous of you. This condition will keep your right down and, thus your performance ruins. Many people suffer from the tricks and evil wishes of their enemies.
One of the best ways is to use such wazifa to save you from them. It is one of the fantastic techniques to deal with such kind of challenge. The procedure is as follows. First of all the dua is to be performed after sunset. You have to pray Allah with a clean mind and body and soul. So start with a proper wuzu.
For this particular ritual, you should possess lemon with you. After that, begin with the recitation of the Daoodlbrahaim for 11 times. Then say “Bismillah hir ramaaniraheem: for 1000 times. Then you can chant the dua mention in our religious books.
After these steps, think of your enemy and recite the Surah Kousar for about 1000 times. Now read instructions with full care. For every 100 times of chanting blow on the lemon you posses in the name of your enemy.
The process should be continued for ten times as total is about 1000 times. At last, recite the Darood Ibrahim again for 11 times. Follow the above instructions carefully and with full dedication to achieve success. Your enemy will be safe from all your enemies.
Wazifa To Keep Enemy Away
Wazifa To Keep Enemy Away, We all know that enemies are the biggest hurdles in the success of our lives. Also, you fear them in your day to day life. For this, you must be aware of wazifa to keep enemy away.
However, it does not matter you try hard to fight with your enemy. Thereat some point, you also have a fear in your mind that they all should be away from you. For this, you have to recite a wazifa to keep such enemies away. This wazifa will make your enemy suffer and keep them away from you.
These wazifas definitively give you success. But always work who are of good intention and have a purity of mind. You should not use this wazifa for selfish purposes; otherwise, they will be of no use to you. You should very clear in your mind that whether you or your enemy is wrong. In the case when your enemy wants justice, you should be ready for that also.
For this, you perform Namaz of Asr, recite Durood Shareef thrice. You have to use seven pieces of salt and recite the Surah Asr 21 times. Again recite the Durood Shareef, in the end, three times. Throw the salt pieces in fire by talking names of the enemy.
If you perform this procedure for hours will give you more benefit. Allah will keep your enemies that are causing harm away from you. Hence you can live a peaceful life. But take care to perform this with full concentration.
Wazifa To Make Enemy Sick
Wazifa To Make Enemy Sick, Whether you only wish to keep yourself away from the enemy. You only want to keep you and your family safe from them.
But just keeping them away may not be the perfect solution. You can also use wazifa to make enemy sick. Islam provides a way for this so that you are safer from them. This dua will make your enemy sick so that you can live peacefully.
For this, there are some procedures and can be performed in any of the days you like. First of all, you have to make a fresh ablution. Secondly, recite two Rakat Nafil namaz after performing the Namaz. Recite the Nashrah of Surah Alam that too in the first Rakat after the Surah Fatiha.
Also, recite the Sral Al-Feel in your second Rakat. You have to think about your enemy with full concentration while performing the Namaz. After completing these steps you have to wait for some days to see the results.
In a few days, your enemy will become sick. He will suffer so much that he will not have any time to take revenge or create problems for you. If you do not see any positive results in a few days you can contact an astrologer. He will guide you with your shortcomings and then repeat the wazifa.
You can also talk to any of the Islamic specialists, they can also guide you. The dua is to be done with full dedication for 100% accurate results. It is essential to create problems in your enemies’ life so that they also understand the disaster they make for others.
Dua To Destroy Enemy Immediately
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