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Wazifa To Control Wife
Wazifa To Control Wife or to make wife obedient can be use for angry wife. Use our wazifa for wife to love her husband and control your wife.
Which Wazifa Used To Control Wife?
Many husbands are not happy with their marriage life because their wives are very short-tempered, or they do not obey their decisions. It is vital to solve the issue as soon as possible. Otherwise, it can take a considerable turn and destroy your marriage life. Pray to Allah and do the wazifa to control the wife, as written in this article.
Do you and your partner fight with each other every other day? Does your wife fight and argue with you frequently? Are you fed up due to the arrogant and rude behavior of your wife? If all the answers to the above questions are ‘yes,’ possibilities are she does not listen to you properly, or maybe she does not love you. What to do now?
Do not worry; in that case, you should perform wazifa to control wife. The wazifa is very impeccable and creates a love bond between you and your spouse. She will start to respect you, believe you, and become obedient. Also, she will be with you in every situation of your life become cooperate for the rest of the living.
Wazifa To Control Wife
Do you feel that the behavior of your wife towards you is not bearable? Do you also think about the emplacement because she misbehaves with you? If your married life is not working out, you should start reading wazifa to control your wife. It will also work if your wife doesn’t treat you well.
The wazifa has the power to enhance your love-life. Your wife will become a blessing for you, and She will love you till the last breath. The wazifa to control wife will give you a good command over your partner. You will notice that she started listening to you and became loyal, obedient, and right.
Which Wazifa Used To Make Wife Obedient?
Wazifa To Make Wife Obedient, Every husband wants to love, loyalty, and affection from his wife. The wife should be subordinate to the partner, according to the Islamic shariah. She should respect her husband as well as she should listen to him and love him.
But, not every wife obeys Islamic rules and laws. By not following Islamic laws, a wife makes her husband’s life like hell. She does not accept her husband and doesn’t respect his decision about her future. As an outcome, a beautiful relation meant to spend entire life together starts broken with no time.
The wife becomes more and more disrespectful towards her husband as fights start happening between the couple frequently. If you experience that your wife did not obey your decisions and lost her senses, you need to recite wazifa to make wife obedient.
The below-mentioned wazifa can bring your old wife—the wife you married earlier whom you loved from your heart. The wazifa is so powerful and robust that it will make your wife obedient.
- To begin with, do fresh wadu, and then you need to perform this wazifa after isha namaz.
- After that, read Surah Muzamil 41 times.
- Blow it on the piece of any sweet item and hold it in your right hand
- Tell your wife to eat it.
Follow the wazifa mentioned above. Inshaallah, you will start noticing results within seven days.
Wazifa For Angry Wife
Wazifa For Angry Wife, You need to understand that one of the most critical persons in your family is your wife. She is the one who completes the dreams of your children. Your wife brings happiness to your life. Some life partners are very obedient and understanding from the beginning of the marriage; some are not.
We have seen that often many husbands go through very much torture from their wives. The reason is that their wives are very short-tempered. They become angry with their husbands for small kinds of stuff and lack patience.
They cannot tolerate irresponsible and dull husband. So to control the anger of these types of wives, we have brought wazifa for angry wife. It is a very important wazifa as it helps you save your marriage from breaking up. This wazifa will not let your wife do unexpected things during her high-temper.
Here is wazifa for an angry wife.
- Take a fresh shower and do wadu.
- Now, read surah Al-Baqarah verse 153.
“YaAyyuhal Lazeena Amanu Bissabri WassalatiInnalaha Ma Sabireen”
- Read the dua as mentioned above after the noon prayer that is after Zuhr prayer.
- After the reading dua, blow it on a water glass and tell your wife to drink the water from the glass.
- Pray to Allah, to free your wife from the anger issues and provide her patience.
Perform the wazifa. Inshaallah, you will get your desired results very soon.
Wazifa For A Wife To Love Her Husband
Wazifa For A Wife To Love Her Husband, Many wives take their husbands for granted. They do not treat them well. Also, many husbands are worried about the carelessness of their wives. In that case, it would be tough for you to spend the entire life with that kind of person. All you need is to bring the change in her.
However, if your words are not that powerful to bring her love back, you should recite wazifa to love her husband. It will change the very nature of your partner. She will start becoming responsible and will admire your decisions and you.
The below-mentioned wazifa is very impeccable. It can bring the love of your wife back if you perform wazifa properly. You will get the expected results in a short period.
You have to perform the wazifa for a wife to love her husband with full dedication. Inshallah, you will notice remarkable results very soon.
Here is the Wazifa for a wife to love her husband.
- Read “La Haw La Wa Laa Qu WaataIlla Billah” for the 40 times.
- Read “Ya Ar Hamar Rahimeen” 70 times.
- Now, pray to Allah and tell them you want your wife to come back and love you with all her heart.
Now do the wazifa regularly without getting fail. Inshallah, you will get your wife back soon.
It is a prevalent issue that your wife lost temper, but you should take action before things start getting worse. It would help if you recited the wazifa mentioned above as per your requirement. Allah will listen to you and will eliminate every obstacle between you and your wife. or you can use our another dua to bring husband and wife closer to solve husband wife problems.
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