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Ruqyah Verses For Black Magic
Ruqyah Verses For Black Magic or ruqyah to cure black magic jinn possession can be use for protection against black magic. We will provide you powerful ruqyah against sihir and jinns.
Black magic has the power to control you, where the chances of being getting hurt are higher. For special black magic may create life. However, it will not take another minute to destroy that same person.
Ruqyah Verses For Black Magic
As we all know, what you will serve to others, you will get served too with twice or thrice of the mount. Such a process is known as karmas, where if you ill work hard, will get a fruitful result, and if you hurt others, then definitely, at last, you will get a deep wound inside.
Hence, black magic has the most potent powers to destroy other’s life. Black magic can cure with the forces of white magic as it is deemed purest magic to heal the wounds of those who have suffered from its effect.
Black magic performs by the evil people who have bad intentions for others. Due to their jealousy part or revenge motive, they want to hurt others because they can’t bear to see you happy.
You may easily trace the black magic specialist near to the graveyards. Graveyards are their home because they caught all negative energies from their and instruct them to chase a particular person.
When it comes to black magic, our family is the one who concerns the most because you may find the solution of cancer, but it is almost next to impossible to find the solution of black magic. As it performs by those who have enough knowledge about evil deeds
Ruqyah To Cure Black Magic Jinn Possession
Ruqyah To Cure Black Magic Jinn Possession, Black magic can destroy an individual in many ways with many weapons. One of its evidence is jinn, which is known as a ghost’s negative energy.
How To Perform Ruqyah For Black Magic?
We are going to mention a complete procedure of ruqyah, which will help you to get cured of the powers of black magic.
- Sit at a corner of the home, where no noises can listen.
- Have two litter water handy as well as have a full glass of water.
- From the Shaytaan, recite refuge:
Aouthu Billahi Miin-Ash-ShaytaanArrajim
- Recite Allah tallah name for three times:
Bismillah Ir-RahmaanNiir-Rahim
- Recite three times Surah Fatiha
- Recite three times AyatulKursi
- Read three times Surat Al Basrah
- Recite three times Surah Ikhlaas
- Recite following verses for three times
2:102 / 7:115 — 121 / 10:79 — 82 / 20: 65 — 70
- Spit into water bottle as well as a glass of water
- Only drink in the same glass while reciting bismillah
- Drink water from the bottle in night or evening or morning.
- Pour the remaining water in bottle over your body and make sure it will touch your complete body
- Perform this same procedure every day
- If you also have bloatedness in your stomach, then buy Barret and senna leaves. Make tea with them and drink it twice in a week
- Have one tablespoon of honey and black seed oil every day
- Keep that chanted water into a spray bottle and sprinkle it on your body and in the corners of your home.
- Make a dua to Allah tallah
Powerful Ruqyah Against Sihir And Jinns
Powerful Ruqyah Against Sihir And Jinns, Whenever we heard something related to negative energy or jinn, it sends shiver down to our spines where we become disables from doing anything
How To Remove Sihir And Jinns?
The effect and powers of jinns and sihirs are twice than of us and our thinking. Therefore, we would brief you about ruqyah. It has the same process.
Aouthu Billahi Miin-Ash-ShaytaanArrajim
- Recite Allah tallah name for three times:
Bismillah Ir-RahmaanNiir-Rahim
- Recite three times Surah Fatiha
- Recite three times AyatulKursi
- Read three times Surat Al Baqrah
- Recite three times Surah Ikhlaas
- Spit into water bottle as well as a glass of water
- Only drink in the same glass while reciting bismillah
- Drink water from a container in night or evening or morning.
- Pour the remaining water in bottle over your body and make sure it will touch your complete body
- Perform this same procedure every day
- If you also have bloatedness in your stomach, then buy Barret and senna leaves. Make tea with them and drink it twice in a week
- Have one tablespoon of honey and black seed oil every day
- Keep that chanted water into a spray bottle and sprinkle it on your body and in the corners of your home.
- Make a dua to Allah tallah
Ruqyah For Protection Against Black Magic
Ruqyah For Protection Against Black Magic, The complete course of black magic has taken by the jinns.
They also start chasing you for a short span of period. Meanwhile, in this same period, they also notice all your strengths and weakness, from than where they start hurting you.
How To Protect Yourself From Black Magic?
We bring a ruqyah procedure for you, which will protect you from the effect of black magic.
- Stay calm and sit at your own home and find the corner place of the room where no voices can be heard.
- Have two litter water handy as well as have a glass of water.
- From the Shaytaan, recite refuge:
Aouthu Billahi Miin-Ash-ShaytaanArrajim
- Recite Allah tallah name for three times:
Bismillah Ir-RahmaanNiir-Rahim
- Bring one spray bottle and fill it with mineral water. It must be preferred mineral water only
- Open the mouth and the bottle and bring it nearer to your mouth.
- Start chanting sourah al Fatiha then blow air in the water.
- Ayat al kursee then again blows your mouth air in the water.
- Then do the same process with al falaq, sourah al ikhlass, and al Nass.
- Later close the mouth of the bottle, and water is ready for you.
- Go to every room and close the door one by one.
- If the door of the room and window is slightly open of that room in with you are standing
- Chant loudly for seven times sourahFatiha
- Then chant aya al kursee seven times.
- Again, chant sourah al zalzalah for seven times.
- Straight away as chanting the athan, you need to spray the water at the corner of that room.
- You are also restricted to spray without chanting the athan.
- After completing spray at the corners of the room.
- You must close the window and repeat the same with every room but also leave the toilet.
- Also, do not forget to play sourah al Baqarah in all rooms.
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