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Dua For Own House
Dua For Own House, It’s a wise decision to get a new house for you and your family. The family feels more secure, in an owned house than a rental one. Yet, this decision is the hardest to implement.
With the growing real estate price, low-income rate and massive population, it has become challenging. Today, owning a house appears like a distant dream for many of us. You can, however, overcome this ordeal, by using the dua for own house.
In today’s age, a joint family leaving in a smaller apartment causes too many frictions. Earlier days, families used to own big houses. A joint family would still have independent rooms.
Dua For Own House
But when too many people have to live in a cramped place that itself creates friction. It is, therefore, a better option to live separately than be together and fight constantly. You can bring peace to the family by using the dua for own house and shifting to a new place.
Dua for getting own house
Especially, if you are living with your in-laws, it gets even more important. You can spoil relationships with in-laws. Yet, living together becomes impossible given the distance and difference of opinion. In such a scenario, moving out and having your own house would be ideal. If you use the dua for own house, you can achieve this goal in no time.
Often a new marriage falls apart when too many people are living under one roof. As a newlywed, when couples have to live with other family members, they do not have time to connect. With the constant intervening of family members, stress grows in the relationship and couples get frustrated.
And this frustration they take it out on each other, which spoils the relationship further. It is, therefore, a wiser decision to move to a new house. This gives your new relationship a chance to grow. You and your partner can bond more freely and connect on a deeper level.
This bond between a man and a woman is so strong that it helps both individuals grow in the relationship. But all this can only happen when there is a scope for the newlywed to come together and connect at a deeper level. Therefore, the dua for own house can be a boon when you are just getting married.
Perform this dua at any time during the day. However, you must perform it for 40 consecutive days.
- First, ensure that you do proper wuzu before you start the dua for own house
- Then, start the ritual by chanting Durood-e-Shareef, 7 times.
- Now, recite the following Surah Al-Ikhlasdua, 50 times.
lam yalidwa lam yoolad
wa lam yakul-lahukufuwanahad
- Next, recite the following dua, 70 times.
la holawalaquwwataillabilla’ilaliyilazheem
- Now, recite the following dua for own house, 3 times –
allaahummar-h’ama’nneemaradatal jinni walinsi wash
shayaat’eeniwabaarik lee fee binaa-ee
- Then to wrap, chant Durood-e-Shareef again for 7 times.
- Now, surrender yourself to Allah and ask for the new house.
It is important that you’re moving to a new house must hurt no one’s sentiments. Negative emotion can hamper your prayers. You must not lay the foundations of your new house on the hurt feelings of your family and relatives.
Islamic dua for making own house
You must, therefore, ensure that you are not asking for a new house with any negative intent. Whether it’s your own family or in-laws, you must take extreme care to explain your decision and get everyone onboard willingly. It may seem like a difficult task to achieve, but there’s no alternative to this. Doing the right thing is always difficult, but it is the only way.
Islamic Dua To Become Rich Quick
To get the maximum benefit from the dua, you must be particular with your obligatory prayers. Allah favors those who follow the right path and stay clear of vices. Do not let your ambitions lead you astray. Do not indulge in any practice that you can’t confess to Allah. Leading a devout life makes you eligible for Allah’s blessing. If then, you make the dua for own house, Allah will clear all hurdles from your path.
Besides following the right path, it is also important to use dua in the right way. If you are fighting with your family and nurse an ill feeling, then the dua for own house will not be effective. You must do the dua with noble intention and pure emotions.
If need be, you must consult the local Moulvi or the Islamic Astrologer, who can guide you through the process. The Astrologer can hear your requirement and accordingly suggest an alternate it. Astrologer may even suggest you using the Taveez, which you can wear. Astrologer will perform the dua for own house to anoint the Taveez, thus making it powerful.
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