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Dua For Acceptance of Marriage Proposal
Dua For Acceptance of Marriage Proposal or to get a good marriage proposal can be use for desired proposal. If you want dua for success in marriage proposal then we are with you.
Marriage is a genuine relationship between two faithful souls. In Islam, marriage is a sacred and refined combination of two real people. Marriage brings them on one platform and put responsibilities on them.
A happy marriage is based on truth, loyalty, and understanding of each other. When a person loves a girl, he wants to marry her, but somehow, the parents of the girl are not in a position to accept his marriage proposal.
Dua For Acceptance of Marriage Proposal
This hurts a man as the person sends a marriage proposal with great hope and happiness to the girl. It brings down the morale and confidence of the person, and he feels hopeless. His heart shrinks, and internally, he sometimes goes into the condition of depression.
If you have a plan to send a marriage proposal to a girl before you send the marriage proposal, do proper planning so that your heart will not get broken after this failure or rejection of marriage proposal.
Sometimes a guy sends the marriage proposal to a wealthy house. Who lives a high well off life as compared to this guy? The guy is hoping to get yes as the answer from that luxurious house, but the reality is the opposite of it.
The proposal gets rejected due to the difference in the status of the two families. It gives a shock to a guy who has dreamed of becoming a lucky person to get married in a wealthy family. His dreams get shattered down with his hopes.
So to send a proposal so that it would not get rejected. You must opt dua for acceptance of the marriage proposal. This dua will help you to get your marriage proposal accepted soon from the side of your beloved. You have to perform this dua, and they will take your marriage proposal in the first instance.
The family of your beloved will recognize your love and the intention of your marriage and come behind you. This dua will fill the heart of your lover with respect, and she will feel your emotions of love.
This will happen when you do this dua for acceptance of marriage proposal with your heart, and Allah will help you. Your intentions should be right about this marriage and new life. Here is the dua;
- First of all, recite this dua “Ya Allah- Alhamdulillah” for 1000 times.
- Imagine the person in your mind while reciting this dua whom you are going to send a marriage proposal.
- Insha Allah, you will get soon favor from the family of your beloved person, and things will quickly move towards you.
- Recite this dua for three weeks with firm dedication and full faith in Allah tala. Things will be stable for you, and soon, you will get the results.
Dua To Get A Good Marriage Proposal
Dua To Get A Good Marriage Proposal, Some people are lucky enough that they get a good girl as their wife. They get their marriage fixed in royal families. The families where they have freedom of speech and expression in all matters of life.
The families give them all facilities of life. Which the girl will accept through her closed eyes. This family will be approved by the girl’s parents as well as her friends and relatives.
Because every father, mother, friends, and relatives will be happy to see this kind of marriage proposal by that kind of family. This is the lucky girl of his parents.
Another occasion, when the girl attains the age of marriage. The start of receiving a marriage proposal starts for her. If the family of the groom is known to your family.
Then there is no problem of getting verification of the family. You have to accept the marriage proposals carefully and start researching about the family where your marriage is fixed.
Because it has been observed that the people who were very well disciplined with their son’s wife first turned their position after the marriage of their son to that girl. They become now so much cruel to their son’s wife that they want to kill her.
So praying to Allah is an essential condition to get reasonable marriage offers. You will perform a dua to gain acceptance and good marriage proposals for you. Here is the dua;
- First of all, make fresh wadu.
- After the Isha Prayer, the boy or girl who wants to get a good marriage proposal should recite “ All-Ahussamad” 1100 ties.
- Blow it on a glass of freshwater and drink it.
- Read also, the words “Ya Amal-Rishte ke husool ke liya MUjarrab hai and recite Surah Fatiha 99 times.
- At last, recite this dua “Allahu Rabbi-la Shareeka-Lah” 72 times.
After three weeks of doing this amal. You will start receiving good marriage proposals.
Dua For The Desired Proposal
Dua For The Desired Proposal, Marriage proposals an occasion on which man asks the hand of women for marriage. After the women attain the age of marriage, she starts receiving a marriage proposal from different ends of her village or another village or the nearby town.
Soon after the approval from the girl’s side, the marriage gets fixed. Since the women receive several marriage proposals. But she wants to accept only that one which she loved and also see the qualities of great manhood in that man.
If she loves a guy, she will wish to marry that guy. Because the person whom she loves understands her better than another person. In Islam, love starts after the marriage.
The best love is between the wife and husband and grows more in-depth with the passing of each day. So if a girl wants to get the desired person in her life, she must do dua for desired marriage proposal so that Allah should fulfill her wish. Here is Dua;
- First of all, after your Asr Prayer recite this powerful name of Allah 500 times, “Ya zuuljallal Wallikraam.”
- Pray for getting the desired marriage proposal — the man you desired to be your husband.
- Now after Isha Prayer recite Surah ikhlas.
- Then perform supplication to Allah and go to sleep without talking to anyone.
- Repeat this amal for consecutively 90 days.
- Insha Allah. You will get married to the desired person whom you wish to marry.
Dua For Success In Marriage Proposal
Dua For Success In Marriage Proposal, Sometimes when two-person love and one send a marriage proposal to the family of the girl The proposal gets rejected because some of the relatives of the girl did not accept it for various reasons.
They come as a big hurdle in your love marriage. Another situation which erupts from girls or boys side he/she will not accept your marriage proposal at all. This case is considered from the girl’s point of view. Because it has been observed that most girls who love a boy after many years in love.
The boy did not accept wedding with that girl. It breaks down the heart of that girl. It happens because most boys will behave normally and take everything easy when they are in a relationship they behave well with their beloved girl as soon as, the marriage proposal is sent to them by the girl whom she loves through any means.
They move away from it, this situation has been observed from many cases, and all dreams of a girl get shattered. Because they have proper expectations from their loved. If you are in the same situation that the boy you loved did not accept you or his parents did not recognize your marriage. Then you must need dua for the acceptance of your marriage. Here is dua;
- First of all, you need an empty room to perform this wazifa. Perform this dua before you sleep;
“Allah hussmad”
- Recite this dua for 1100 times with full concentration.
- Then pray Allah to get acceptance of marriage. He will soon fulfill your wish.
Dua For Parents Approval For Marriage
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